Monday, August 13, 2018

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation (IASTM)” 12 CEU Online Training

Biologix Solutions LLC is excited to announce a new “Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation (IASTM)” 12 hours online continuing education training course for physical therapy professionals in partnership with Pinnacle Training & Consulting Systems, LLC. This course is designed to be systematic, evidenced-based and most importantly, have direct application that can be used immediately with patients.

The home study course consists of 144-page comprehensive course manual divided into 12 distinct chapters. The course is filled with over 100+ illustrations and graphics to enhance the learning experience. The participant will have access to over 20 videos that compliment and review each of the 12 chapters of the home study course.

This continuing education course is FSBPT Pro Certified, approved by Physical Therapy Boards and State APTA Chapters.